All the Basic Steps to Learning Euchre

How to Play Euchre


Euchre is a fascinating game that was played almost exclusively in the early years of the century at country gatherings and in small urban communities. A fast-moving and exhilarating game, it still attracts those who enjoy excitement when playing cards.

These are the simplified rules for the basic game of Euchre, played in two-, three-, and four-handed versions. While there are many variations, four-handed Euchre played with partners is the most widely accepted.

Four-Hand Euchre

One unique aspect of Euchre is that the highest card in play is the jack of the trump suit, called the right bower. The second-highest card is the jack of the other suit of the same color, called the left bower, which is also treated as trump.

Example: If diamonds are trump, the right bower is J, and the left bower is J. If spades are trump, the right bower is J♠, and the left bower is J♣

The remaining trumps and non-trump suits rank as follows:

  • Trump suit ranking (highest to lowest): Right Bower, Left Bower, A, K, Q, 10, 9.

  • Non-trump suit ranking (highest to lowest): A, K, Q, J, 10, 9.

Partners & Dealing

  • Partners and the dealer are determined by each player drawing a card. The two lowest cards play against the two highest, and the lowest draw deals first.

  • In drawing, the ace is high.

  • Partners sit opposite each other.

  • Each player receives five cards, dealt in rounds of two at a time and then three, or vice versa.

  • The deal passes to the left after each hand.

After dealing, the dealer turns the top card of the remaining pack face-up for possible trump selection.

Bidding & Trump Selection

Beginning with the player to the left of the dealer, each player has the option to pass or accept (declare) the suit of the turn-up card as trump.

  • An opponent of the dealer accepts trump by saying: "I order it up."

  • The dealer’s partner accepts by saying: "I assist."

  • The dealer accepts by taking it up and discarding a card from their hand in exchange for the turn-up card.

If no one accepts the turn-up suit as trump:

  • The dealer buries the turn-up card, and bidding continues in sequence.

  • Players may name a different trump suit or pass again.

  • If all four players pass a second time, the cards are reshuffled, and the deal moves to the left.

  • A variation of the game is called “Stick the Dealer,” where the dealer must declare trump if all four players pass a second time.

Playing Alone

The player who names trump can choose to play alone without their partner’s help. They must declare "alone" at the time they name trump.

  • Their partner places their cards face down and does not participate in the play.

Gameplay & Scoring

  • The objective is to win at least three tricks.

  • If the side that made trump fails to get three tricks, they are euchred.

  • Winning all five tricks is called a march.

  • The first lead is made by the player to the left of the dealer.

  • Players must follow suit if able; if unable, they may trump in or discard.

  • A trick is won by the highest card of the suit led or, in the absence of a card of the same offsuit led, the highest trump.

  • The winner of a trick leads the next play.

  • The first team to win ten points wins the game.

Situation Points
Partnership making trump, winning 3 or 4 tricks 1 point
Partnership making trump, winning 5 tricks (march) 2 points
Lone hand winning 3 or 4 tricks 1 point
Lone hand winning 5 tricks 4 points
Partnership or lone hand is euchred Opponents score 2 points

Marker Cards for Scoring:

Each player receives two marker cards (one six and one four). To indicate score:

  • Place the six face down on the four, leaving one pip exposed for 1 point, two pips for 2 points, and so on.

Three-Hand (Cutthroat) Euchre

This version follows the same rules as four-hand Euchre, except:

  • The two non-dealers play against the maker of trump.

Situation Points
Maker of trump, winning 3 or 4 tricks 1 point
Maker of trump, winning 5 tricks 3 points
Maker of trump is euchred Each opponent scores 2 points

Two-Hand Euchre

  • The deck is reduced to 24 cards by discarding the sevens and eights.

  • Otherwise, the rules remain the same as four-hand Euchre.

We hope these simplified rules help you learn the basic game of Euchre and that you enjoy many pleasant hours playing this fascinating game.

More About Learning Euchre

  • 10 Simple Strategies for Beginners Learning How to Play Euchre

  • 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Euchre